
Aluminium electrolytic production line


The 240KA electrolytic aluminum production line has the characteristics of high yield, high efficiency, low energy consumption and low pollution. It can produce 150 thousand tons of electrolytic aluminum per year, and high quality aluminum is used for the production of high quality aluminum profiles and all kinds of high quality aluminum products.

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延边| 抚州市| 绵阳市| 蚌埠市| 庐江县| 红安县| 万山特区| 永丰县| 仙桃市| 广东省| 新丰县| 体育| 新巴尔虎左旗| 海门市| 通辽市| 论坛| 屏东县| 泽普县| 大城县| 新乡市| 晴隆县| 辽中县| 安福县| 伊春市| 宜兴市| 都江堰市| 手游| 罗平县| 新蔡县| 绥中县| 张掖市| 台南市| 安仁县| 伊金霍洛旗| 涡阳县| 秦皇岛市| 治县。| 连南| 南皮县| 嵊泗县| 甘孜县|