
Deep processing section of the aluminium sheet finished last year's full outputIssuingTime:2017-09-22

In August, with the joint efforts of the production and marketing departments, the deep processing department of the banding zone completed the production of 30505.345 square meters of aluminum veneer, up 52.46 percent year on year, up 16.18 percent month-on-month, a record high. From January to August, 186243.7995 square meters have been completed, exceeding the annual production task in 2016.

In order to complete production tasks, deep processing of organizing workshops every day in the morning, to seriously explore the difficulties and problems, implement individually, and the production task and target layers of decomposition, strive to do the task and indicators are specific, measurable, can achieve, and have certain relevance with other goal and have specific deadlines. Department have issued "deep processing of daily production management appraisal regulations" and so on a series of files, further straighten out the operation plan, production organization, logistics, application of raw and auxiliary materials, application of grinding tool, the cart maintenance and equipment management and so on each work, laying solid foundation department management work.


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